Thursday, October 31, 2019

Clinical Mental Health Counseling Research Paper

Clinical Mental Health Counseling - Research Paper Example Many of the mental health conditions are diagnosed when a person is either a teenager or a young adult. During this period one is undergoing many changes such as graduating from high school, choosing a college to attend to and starting romantic relationships.   These changes can be confusing and people in this age bracket can start having mental challenges. The challenges faced by this population can be said to be constant as they are almost similar across patients in this population.   It has been proven that the earlier this group receives treatment through counseling the more likely they are going to persevere.  This career dates way back the 1900s, where it has made numerous strides over time. Back in the year 1907, it was suggested that tutors should also be providing lessons on problem-solving, prevention and character (Erford, 2014). This led to the beginning of canceling lessons in schools.   Many students who were teenagers at that time started benefiting from these services. Counseling services were also developed in the year 1908 through the assistance of the mental hygiene movement.   The mentality shift of society is also important in ensuring that patients receive much-needed support.   This was the case as people started believing that the mentally ill are not irrevocably sick and they need help, (Erford, 2014). During the Second World War, many young men could not join the forces as they were not mentally stable.   Due to the rampant increase of mental problems in the society, the government through a push by the public recognized the need for preventing and treating mental health disorders as soon as possible, (Erford, 2014).  The national mental health act enacted in 1946 was instituted and led to the provision of funds so as to research and train towards prevention,   diagnosis, and treatment of disorders relating to mental health, (Erford, 2014). Teens and young adults were the big beneficiaries of this act as they were now able to obtain services early enough so as to stop complicated mental health disorders. In the year 1963, another act of parliament was passed, it was known as the community mental health centers act which seeks to grow counseling services.   This act sought to address the major issues that were facing the community which included drug abuse family crisis and alcoholism. Through this act of 1963 funds were provisioned to help in financing community based mental health programs thereby increasing prevention and which lead to decreased hospitalizations, (Erford, 2014).   Due to this clinical mental health counseling increased during this period (Neukrug, 2011). Hospitalizations reduced since this was not their main emphasis.   Other organizations such as outpatient clinics and crisis centers were also developed as a result of these changes.   Mental health care services became easily accessible to anyone who needed to access them. Education institutions had to increase traini ng for counselors as community needs were increasing day by day.  As time progressed there was more awareness about the need for prevention and treatment of mental health problems. The 1980s can be said to be the peak season when there was more awareness for the need of the services (Erford, 2014).   This went on till the 2000s When it became important for counselors to be licensed and accredited. This helped unify mental health counseling into a profession. Through the definition of a counselor clients were able to understand the services that they are to receive from a counselor.   Through the creation of clinical mental health counseling many populations have benefited over time.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Strategic Supply Chain Managemnt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words - 1

Strategic Supply Chain Managemnt - Essay Example As any student of management accounting is aware of, the quantum of capital employed in plant and machinery is more or less uniform across an industry as all players generally opt for the latest technology so as to enjoy maximum levels of operating efficiency. So, there is not much to differentiate between the competitors in that regard. But the area where the leaders leave the stragglers behind is supply chain management and inventory control. If a proper and taut control over inventory is not maintained, the level of capital employed can never be brought down while keeping the operational efficiency intact. (Cox, Sanderson and Watson 2001) These days the management gurus are looking beyond the narrow and immediate confines of inventory management and are looking at managing the supply chain as a whole. Supply chain attempts to view the whole production process as a seamless entity that begins with market research for correctly evaluating consumer demand and follows the flow of inputs and services through the production process right till the time when the finished product reaches the final consumer. Thus this is a wider concept that includes all the stakeholders; right from the supplier that supplies raw materials to the final consumer that buys the product to satisfy a particular need. In between of course lie the producer, the labour and the service inputs from the tertiary sector of the economy. A supply chain in its most basic form has four components, and they are: Supply chain management, as is clear from the above diagram, is basically akin to running a relay race and just as in a relay race the entire team is as good as its weakest link, so also in supply chain management the entire operation is as efficient as its least efficient sections. That is to say, a super efficient manufacturer is not enough to make the entire supply chain effective – all the components must be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Arguments For And Against Hydroelectric Power Environmental Sciences Essay

Arguments For And Against Hydroelectric Power Environmental Sciences Essay The dams that are built are holding back a higher level of water in an area called the reservoir. From here the water is let through the plant intake and into the penstock which brings it down to a turbine water wheel at the lower water level. The water pressure increases at it flows down the penstock and it is this pressure as well as flow that drive the turbine that is connected to the generator. Inside the generator there is a turbine,. Here large electro magnets are attached to the router and located within coils within copper wires in the Stator. As the generator router spins a flow of electrons are released within the coils of the stator. This produces electricity that can be stepped up in voltage through the station transforms and sent through transition lines.  [2]  The amount of electricity generated here is depending on the volume of water flow and amount of hydraulic head  [3]  (The vertical distance between the surface of the reservoir and the surface of the river immediately downstream from the dam  [4]  ) Hydroelectric power is responsible for approximately fifteen percent of the world electricity and is therefore the largest renewable source of energy in the world.  [5]  It has through its green image been worshiped for being eco-friendly and is reliable in terms of consistency and shut down time if so wishes. The design is also reliable and any futures damages will not be that expensive to repair as well as only a few breakdowns have occurred throughout the years. Also that hydro power is independent from fossil fuels and the operation costs are very low compared to several other energy sources. So what is the reason to why activists and scientist has reacted so strong upon this renewable energy source? A source like this that is 90 percent efficient when its converted from water pressure to kinetic energy and the groundwater is increased by reserving water in the reservoir  [6]  , shouldnt this be good? The fact that hydroelectric power controls flooding and provide flood protection in downstream areas  [7]  does not necessary have to be good. The water that is trapped within the reservoir is damaging to the quality since it will lower the dissolvent of oxygen as well as reduce the nutrition and sediments due to lack of the water flow  [8]  . Furthermore will the lack of water flow create particles and unwanted vermin into the hydrogen cycle. When the water is leaving the dams the risk for erosion is high because of the lack of the original currency from the water as well as increasing the risk for the flood to clog  [9]  . The hydropower station s is interrupting the ecosystem and the habitants of the river. Therefore have the government and different regulation such as EU constructed regulations that the plant must fulfill. The problem with this is that the regulations are set to low and that private investors can sneak their way by this. Low Impact Hydrogen Institute have created a voluntary certificate for plants to demonstrate their facilities, this would benefit the plant as well since it would drag consumers to invest in such a hydro plant  [10]  . Though few actually goes through with this certificate. Furthermore, when building such massive stations it takes time, space and money. Scientists are arguing that when the actual construction of the power station is finished it does not take much construction work or entertainment, though they do not mention the side effects for animals and humans in a local, regional and global area. 2000, The Three Gorges Dam Project, over one million people were forced to move from their homes due to the construction of a hydroelectrically power station in China. It had a huge social effect for the people having to leave their homes where immemorial traditions and believes were held, for an unknown resort were their roots never had visited.  [11]  Large areas will have to evacuate and the local will suffer from this. Also biological effects will occur since the construction will interfere with the agriculture. Hydropower stations are well known for the massive percentage of the fishes that gets killed when passing through the station. The turbines have to become more developed to increase the mortality rate of the fishes in the water. Furthermore it can also become hard for some animals to complete their life cycle as the flooding is being controlled; sometimes it is almost impossible for them  [12]  . Adaption takes time and the time given is not enough for extensive b iological changes. A hydropower station will have effects upon self-managed eco systems, the breeding of animals lives and algaes as well as disrupt natural seasonal change, the question is; is it worth it? In Nelson, B.C., Canada, about two hundred people protested against the growing number of hydroelectric power stations.  [13]  In Canada the hydro plants is responsible for the extensive amount of sixty percent of the countrys total energy output. Also the province of Quebec is responsible for the worlds largest production of hydro electrical power  [14]  . We are concerned about our ecosystem. We are concerned about the wildness of that creek, said Yeow, a member of the Slocan River Stream keepers  [15]  . The project planner for this particular hydroelectric power station told the media and the protesters that the river-project is going to be a part of B.C ´s energy future since the demand for energy is far too extensive to consider another energy source. Also that hydropower stations is one of the cleanest ways of providing an area with energy. Is this true? The Scientist, 24 February 2005 by Duncan Graham-Rowe, published an article supporting the fact that hydroelectric power stations does not deserve to be associated with a green image or environmental friendly. These dams should be an example of a renewable energy source that do not need fossil fuels or emit any greenhouse gases. A new researches show though that hydro power stations regularly produces a significant amount of carbon dioxide and methane. The green image of hydro power as a benign alternative to fossil fuels is false, says Eric Duchemin, a consultant for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Everyone thinks hydro is very clean, but this is not the case, he says.  [16]   The reason to these emissions is the carbon that is tied up in plants and the trees gets stored in the reservoir when it is flooded and the plants rot. As it begins to decay the plants on the reservoirs bottom decomposes without oxygen which creates dissolved methane. This gets released into the atmosphere and cause drastic effects. Methane has a twenty-one times stronger effect on global warming than carbon dioxide has  [17]  . The reason why this has not been more spread is because the emission varies from plant to plant; sometimes it is environmental friendly, sometimes it is contributing more to the greenhouse effect than the burning of fossil fuels does. Though if the bad side effects will continue to occur more frequently it will bring consequences for mankind. Hydroelectric power is a renewable source of energy and therefore it will not run out but the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere will increase and the long term effects will be drastic. It might be good for the indiv idual businesses when having a stable source to rely on but without our planet intact, it will not matter. Before building a plant the construction leaders will have to look at the development of the plant. How much will have to be put into the area? How developed is it? If no development at all exists than the operation will have to go even further; infrastructure, transportation, waterways, and bridges. Also maintaining water quality, archeological areas and artifacts will cost money  [18]  . It all will cost and the local area will suffer if the economical aspect is not taken care of. An example of this is the hydro power station Akocak HHP, Trabzon, Turkey, that cost approximately $124 million to construct  [19]  . This had drastic effects upon the local area but regional it contributed to Turkeys welfare. Since a hydropower station can have an effect upon the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) it is most likely this were the case of Turkey. To analyze other regions or countries cost of data and input can help the country grow and make the decision if power plant would contribute to the countries well-fare. Obviously though with environmental and local side effects. Globally the trends of energy sources follow the same pattern: when oil prices goes up, the search for other alternative energy sources become attractive. The government sees the hydropower as an efficient energy source and even though the construction of it will be expensive it will pay off in the long run when looking at it from an economical aspect. This whole cycle is important considering globalization, trade and relations to other countries.  [20]   21 The consequences for having hydroelectric power plants have been supported and opposed because of many reasons, among several have been mentioned in the text. It is not just to build a dam but to look at the surrounding as well, because it will have environmental, economic, political and social effects. The agriculture will suffer even though mankind tries to prevent this through technology. Because nature has a power that is greater than humanity and this do the opposing environmentalists and social scientists agree with. But shouldnt we look through the population and business aspect? Population can always be moved and greenhouse gases are not always the case. Infrastructure can be build and trade can be in favor and technology can prevent nature from taking its path. Everything is relative and different depending on which pair of glasses you chose to look through.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Presentacià ³n En este Tema 2 se parte de la base de los conocimientos adquiridos en el Tema 1 (â€Å"El concepto de estrategia†), y se orienta la atencià ³n al à ¡rea de la estrategia de la empresa y la estrategia de marca. Descubriremos que la estrategia no es un elemento aislado que surge de forma espontà ¡nea, sino que es una pieza esencial de la operacià ³n de una empresa que nace de unos principios fundamentales bà ¡sicos, que se relaciona de manera interdependiente con otras facetas de la empresa y/o marca, y que es el resultado de mucho trabajo. Desarrollaremos un recorrido desde estos cimientos fundamentales de la empresa que comenzarà ¡ en su filosofà ­a, misià ³n, y visià ³n, y pasarà ¡ por los conceptos de posicionamiento (y los componentes de diferenciacià ³n, ventaja competitiva, y propuesta de valor), esencia de marca, y la idea singular. Tomaremos como referencia algunos ejemplos del mundo de la publicidad que podrà ¡n servir como ejemplos de cà ³mo se puede plasmar una estrategia de compaà ±Ãƒ ­a y/o de marca en una pieza de comunicacià ³n publicitaria. Finalmente, a lo largo del tema se detallarà ¡n algunos modelos de plantillas de posicionamiento que servirà ¡n como base para poder desarrollar la actividad colaborativa que se presentarà ¡ a finales de esta Unidad de Aprendizaje. â€Æ' Pantalla 1 (Estrategia en la empresa) Si bien la Real Academia Espaà ±ola define la palabra â€Å"estrategia† en su tercera acepcià ³n como â€Å"En un proceso regulable, conjunto de las reglas que aseguran una decisià ³n à ³ptima en cada momento†, no està ¡ de mà ¡s buscar en otras fuentes para conocer alguna definicià ³n adicional que pueda resultar à ºtil para entender su importancia en el desarrollo de las actividades empresariales. Asà ­ pues, en la versià ³n online del diccionario inglà ©s Oxford se enc... ...inal (obligatorio) La declaracià ³n de posicionamiento detalla cuà ¡l es el lugar que intentaremos ocupar en la mente de nuestro pà ºblico objetivo, por quà © nos ha de creer, y cuà ¡les son los motivos para que nos crea. â€Æ' Resumen La estrategia no es algo que surge de la nada, sino que es un elemento crucial de las empresas y sus marcas. Se tienen que establecer y conocer los fundamentos de la marca: su filosofà ­a, misià ³n, y visià ³n. Definidos estos tres elementos bà ¡sicos, y conociendo a fondo la propia compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, lo que ofrece, y todos los elementos que componen su entorno, se establece un posicionamiento para sus marcas y productos. Existen procesos pautados y modelos que nos ayudan a llevar a cabo este ejercicio de posicionamiento, que actà ºa en sintonà ­a con la esencia de marca para crear una Idea Singular de lo que representamos para nuestro consumidor objetivo. â€Æ' â€Æ'

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Leadership Styles Research Project Essay

I would like to give special acknowledgement to XXX director, XXX for his consistent support and motivation. I am grateful to XXX, Associate professor in XXXX , for his technical expertise, advice and excellent guidance. He not only gave my project a scrupulous critical reading, but added many examples and ideas to improve it. 2 I am grateful to XXX (Sr Hr executive and whole staff members of XXX co for providing me an opportunity to complete my project under their guidance. I am highly indebted to them for the same. Teamwork is essential for competing in today’s global arena, where individual perfection is not as desirable as a high level of collective performance. In knowledge based enterprises, teams are the norm rather than the exception. Team leadership plays a critical role in fostering commitment, accountability, and team success. The Team leader must ensure that the right mix and level of skills are resident on the team. They are also responsible for effectively managing 5 relationships outside the team, overcoming obstacles to success, and creating leadership opportunities for others. Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. To inspire your workers into higher levels of teamwork, there are certain things you must be, know, and, do. These do not come naturally, but are acquired through continual work and study. Good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their leadership skills; they are NOT resting on their laurels. Before we get started, lets define leadership. Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge, and skills. Although your position as a manager, supervisor, lead, etc. ives you the authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives in the organization, this p o w e r does not make you a leader†¦ Leadership differs in that it makes the followers w a n t to achieve high goals, rather than simply. All teams must shape their own common purpose, goals and approach. While a leader must be a working member of the team who contributes, she also stands apart from the team by virtue of her position as leader. A team expects their leader to use that perspective and distance to help them clarify and commit to their mission, goals, and approach. Do not be afraid to get your hands dirty (lead by example), but always remember what you are paid to do (get the job done and grow your employees). The term â€Å"styles† has become more prominent in popular culture over the last decades, but its origins lie in psychological research on learning and personality. The original concept of style is that we all have preferences for the WAY we do things — think, relate to others, interact, learn. Kurt Lewin, in the 1930’s identified three major styles — autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire, while Rensis Likert defined Exploitive 6 If you have the time and want to gain more commitment and motivation from your employees, then you should use the participative style. Participative (democratic) This type of style involves the leader including one or more employees in on the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Using this style is not a sign of weakness, rather it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is not expected to know everything — this is why you employ knowledgeable and skillful employees. Using this style is of mutual benefit — it allows them to become part of the team and allows you to make better decisions. Delegative (free reign) In this style, the leader allows the employees to make the decision. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. You cannot do everything! You must set priorities and delegate certain tasks. This is not a style to use so that you can blame others when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used when you have the full trust and confidence in the people below you. Do not be afraid to use it, however, use it wisely! Forces A good leader uses all three styles, depending on what forces are involved between the followers, the leader, and the situation. Some examples include: 13 o Using an authoritarian style on a new employee who is just learning the job. The leader is competent and a good coach. The employee is motivated to learn a new skill. The situation is a new environment for the employee. Using a participative style with a team of workers who know their job. The leader knows the problem, but does not have all the information. The employees know their jobs and want to become part of the team. o Using a delegative style with a worker who knows more about the job than you. You cannot do everything! The employee needs to take ownership of her job. Also, the situation might call for you to be at other places, doing other things. o Using all three: Telling your employees that a procedure is not working correctly and a new one must be established (authoritarian). Asking for their ideas and input on creating a new procedure (participative). Delegating tasks in order to implement the new procedure (delegative). o Forces that influence the style to be used included: task. o Internal conflicts. o Stress levels Type of task. Is it structured, unstructured, complicated, or simple? o Laws or established procedures such as OSHA or training plans. Positive and Negative Approaches There is a difference in ways leaders approach their employee. Positive leaders use rewards, such as education, independence, etc. to motivate employees. While negative employees emphasize penalties. While the negative approach has a place in a leader’s repertoire of tools, it must be used carefully due to its high cost on the human spirit. Negative leaders act domineering and superior with people. They believe the only way to get things done is through penalties, such as loss of job, days off without pay, reprimand employees in front of others, etc. They believe their authority is increased by freighting everyone into higher lever of productivity. Yet what always happens when this approach is used wrongly is that morale falls; which of course leads to lower productivity. Also note that most leaders do not strictly use one or another, but are somewhere on a continuum ranging from extremely positive to extremely negative. People who continuously work out of the negative are bosses while those who primarily work out of the positive are considered real leaders. 14 Use of Consideration and Structure Two other approaches that leaders use are: Consideration (employee orientation) – Leaders are concerned about the human needs of their employees. They build teamwork, help employees with their problems, and provide psychological support. Structure (task orientation) – Leaders believe that they get results by consistently keeping people busy and urging them to produce. There is evidence that leaders who are considerate in their leadership style are higher performers and are more satisfied with their job. Also notice that consideration and structure are independent of each other, thus they should not be viewed on opposite ends of a continuum. For example, a leader who becomes more considerate, does not necessarily mean that she has become less structured. Paternalism Paternalism has at times been equated with leadership styles. Yet most definitions of leadership normally state or imply that one of the actions within leadership is that of influencing. Leadership is influencing people — by providing purpose, direction, and motivation — while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization. † The Army further goes on by defining ‘influence’ as a: means of getting people to do what you want them to do. It is the means or method to achieve two ends: operating and improving. But there? s more to influencing than simply passing along orders. The example you set is just as important as the words you speak. And you set an example — good or bad — with every action you take and word you utter, on or off duty. Through your words and example, you must communicate purpose, direction, and motivation. While ‘paternalism’ is defined as (Webster): a system under which an authority undertakes to supply needs or regulate conduct of those under its control in matters affecting them as individuals as well as in their relationships to authority and to each other. o Thus paternalism supplies needs for those under its protection or control, while leadership gets things done. The first is directed inwards, while the. Latter is directed outwards. 15 It seems that some picture paternalistic behavior as almost a barbaric way of getting things accomplished. Yet, leadership is all about getting things done for the organization. And in some situations, a paternalistic style of decision-making might be required; indeed, in some cultures and individuals, it may also be expected by not only those in charge, but also the followers. That is what makes leadership styles quite interesting — they basically run along the same continuum as Hofstede’s PDI, ranging from paternalistic to consultive styles of decision making. This allows a wide range of individual behaviors to be dealt with, ranging from beginners to peak performers. In addition, it accounts for the fact that not everyone is the same. However, when paternalistic or autocratic styles are relied upon too much and the employees are ready and/or willing to react to a more consultive type of leadership style, then it normally becomes quite damaging to the performance of the organization. There are a number of different approaches, or ‘styles’ to leadership and management that are based on different assumptions and theories. The style that individuals use will be based on a combination of their beliefs, values and preferences, as well as the organizational culture and norms which will encourage some styles and discourage others. †¢ Charismatic Leadership †¢ Participative Leadership †¢ Situational Leadership †¢ Transactional Leadership †¢ Transformational Leadership †¢ The Quiet Leader †¢ Servant Leadership Additional research †¢ The Managerial Grid: Blake and Mouton’s people-task balance. †¢ Lewin’s leadership styles: Three original styles. †¢ Likert’s leadership styles: from autocratic to participative. †¢ Six Emotional Leadership Styles: from ‘Mr. Emotional Intelligence’, Daniel Goleman and friends. †¢ Post-hoc Management 16 Charismatic Leadership Charismatic Leadership is defined by Max Weber as â€Å"resting on devotion to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary character of an individual person, and of the normative patterns or order revealed or ordained by him†. He defines Charisma as â€Å"a certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which he is set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a leader (†¦ ). How the quality in question would be ultimately jud ged from an ethical, aesthetic, or other such point of view is naturally indifferent for the purpose of definition†. Charismatic people have a remarkable ability to distill complex ideas into simple messages (â€Å"I have a dream†); they communicate by using symbols, analogies, metaphors and stories. Furthermore they relish risk and feel empty without it, they are great optimists, they are rebels who fight convention, and they may seem idiosyncratic. Charismatic leaders are pictured as organizational heroes or magic leaders who have the social power basis to orchestrate turnarounds, launch new enterprises, inspire organizational renewal, and obtain extraordinary performance from organizational members. These leaders inspire trust, faith and belief in themselves. Of course none of this is a guarantee that the mission will be correct, ethical, or successful. Origin of the Charismatic Leadership model.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Good Practice Physics Examples

HONORS PHYSICS CH. 14 WAVE PRACTICE PROBLEMS 1. The period of a wave is 0. 0300 seconds. It travels at a velocity of 10. 0 m/s. Determine the frequency and the wavelength. 2. A wave having a wavelength of 4. 0 meters and an amplitude of 2. 5 meters travels a distance of 24 meters in 8. 0 seconds. Determine the frequency and the period of the wave. 3. While hiking through a canyon, Noah Formula lets out a scream. An echo (reflection of the scream off a nearby canyon wall) is heard 0. 82 seconds after the scream.The speed of the sound wave in air is 342 m/s. Calculate the distance from Noah to the nearby canyon wall. 4. Mac and Tosh are resting on top of the water near the end of the pool when Mac creates a surface wave. The wave travels the length of the pool and back in 25 seconds. The pool is 25 meters long. Determine the speed of the wave. 5. An automatic focus camera is able to focus on objects by use of an ultrasonic sound wave. The camera sends out sound waves that reflect off d istant objects and return to the camera.A sensor detects the time it takes for the waves to return and then determines the distance an object is from the camera. The camera lens then focuses at that distance. Now that's a smart camera! In a subsequent life, you might have to be a camera; so try this problem for practice: If a sound wave (speed = 340 m/s) returns to the camera 0. 150 seconds after leaving the camera, then how far away is the object? 6. Find the wavelength of a 680-Hz tone in air, where the wave speed is 340 m/s. 7. Imagine a hiker camping in the mountains.Just before going to sleep he yells, â€Å"WAKE UP,† and the sound echoes off the nearest mountain, returning 8 h later. How far away is that mountain? 8. Harriet is told by her doctor that her heart rate is 70. 0 beats per minute. If Harriet’s average blood flow in the aorta during systole is 1. 5 x 10 -2 m/s, what is the wavelength of the waves of blood in Harriet’s aorta, created by her beati ng heart? 9. While flying to Tucson, Connie’s plane experiences turbulence that causes the coffee in her cup to oscillate back and forth 4 times each second.If the waves of coffee have a wavelength of 0. 1 m, what is the speed of a wave moving through the coffee? 10. Danielle is pushing her twin Dexter on a swing that hangs from a tree branch by 2. 0-m-long ropes. With what frequency will Danielle have to push Dexter when he swings? 11. In California, Clay is surfing on a wave that propels him toward the beach with a speed of 5. 0 m/s. The wave crests are each 20. m apart. A. What is the frequency of the water wave? B. What is the period?

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A congolmeration of ineffective factions.

A congolmeration of ineffective factions does not sound like a flattering description of what we know today as the Grand Old Party. However, it was the same delicately threaded patchwork quilt of a party that has recently given us our 43rd U.S. president. In its broadest sense the Republican party consists of econmic and social conservatives. You have those more econmic minded who feel that if you work hard and save your money, you will not need the governments assistance in acheieving the American dream. Then, you have those who are more socially minded and feel that it is the responsibility of the government to act as the moral agent for the nation. This is important because, the forces at work in the Republican party today are essentially unchanged since the partys formation over one hundred and fifty years ago. In order to achieve better insight as to where we are today in the Republican party, one must look into the various groups absorbed into the party. At the time of the formation of the Republican Party, the government was basically a two party system consisting of the Democrats and the Whigs. The Republicans became a national party when John Freemont was nominated for president. One can ascertain rather clearly what was going on at the time simply by studying the slogan under which Freemont ran: Free soil, free labor, free speech, free men, Fremont." While the Republicans would go on to lose the election, they did garner 33% of the vote. Four years later Abraham Lincoln would be elected the first Republican president. In considering the issues of these groups, a parallel can be drawn with the issues of the Republican party of today. The main concern of the Free Soil Party was ensuring that the land of the Western territory be free of slave labor so that the small farmers and wage-earners would have the opportunity to compete. Such views can still clearly be seen in the

Monday, October 21, 2019

Robotics Essays

Robotics Essays Robotics Essay Robotics Essay The Shadow robot hand system Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, development and application of robots [1] and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans, in dangerous or manufacturing processes, or simply just resemble humans. Many of todays robots are inspired by nature contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics.The concept in creation of machines that could operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research into the functionality and potential uses of robots did not grow substantially until the 20th century. [2] Throughout history, robotics has been often seen to mimic human behavior, and often manage tasks in a similar fashion. Today, robotics is a rapidly growing field, as technological advances continue, research, design, and building new robots serve various practical purposes, whether domestically, commercially, or militarily.Many robots do jobs that are hazardous to people such as defusing bombs, exploring shipwrecks, and mines. Contents [hide] * 1 Etymology * 2 Components * 2. Finally, summarize In your own words how science, technology, and mathematics work together In order to accomplish real- world objectives. The use the mathematic technique angle allowed me to adjust how far the robot goes and how much it turns. Science helps us keep our food sustainable ND protected from pests. It allows for the mass production of items such as clothing, electronics, and food. Our water can be reused thanks to science. We can mass produce medicinal drugs a lot easier. Technology allows us to communicate and store food and cook food easier. Mathematics helps us when finding the percentage on a discount or anything that requires calculation. Science, technology and mathematics create careers such as engineering, doctors and dentists. Topic experience and Insight(100-150 words) Discuss one specific experience you had while working on the robotics activities that eloped you to understand something important about math, science, technology, engineering, communication, teamwork, or any other area you believe Is relevant. What did you learn? How might this knowledge help you to deal with new challenges in the future? One specific experience that I dealt with was being calm with my robot and the need for communication when doing group/pair work. I got extremely aggravated each time the robot did not work the way I wanted it to. Once I became calm and saw the problem, my partner and I communicated and solved it quickly and we achieved success.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Police, Policy, and Politics

Police, Policy, and Politics Police, Policy, and Politics Police, Policy, and Politics By Mark Nichol Are police and policy related? Not only are they cognates, but they used to mean the same thing- and politics is descended from the same word as well. That word is polis, the Greek term for a city as well as for the concept of the city-state and the body of citizens who constituted that state. This word became the basis for a number of compounds, including acropolis, which means â€Å"upper city† but refers to the fortified heights of a city. (The prefix acro- is also seen in such words as acrobat, which literally means â€Å"high dancer,† and acrophobia, which pertains to a fear of heights.) Acropoles in ancient Greece were generally located the first inhabited part of a settlement (chosen for its defensive properties and therefore the location of the community’s citadel); the Acropolis of Athens is the exemplar of such locations. Another term is metropolis (literally, â€Å"mother city†), originally denoting the capital or principal city of a province but now used to describe any major city. The adjective metropolitan describes the characteristics of a city, often including its underground railway system, which is sometimes abbreviated to metro, but the word also serves as a noun for a Greek Orthodox bishop who oversees other bishops and for the see, or seat, of his administration. Megalopolis, featuring the prefix mega-, meaning â€Å"great,† is the name of an actual city in Greece but also refers generically to an especially large city or a cluster of cities- technically, one with more than ten million people. (A related adjective is cosmopolitan, which stems from the noun cosmopolite, a rare term meaning â€Å"citizen of the word†; the equally unusual word cosmopolis describes a sophisticated city. Meanwhile, a necropolis- the prefix means â€Å"dead†- is a large cemetery.) Greek names for other ancient cities, such as Constantinople/Istanbul (â€Å"Constantine’s city†/â€Å"to the city†) and Persepolis (â€Å"city of the Persians†), include the word; several modern cities, including the American municipalities of Annapolis, Indianapolis, and Minneapolis, follow this tradition. Originally, police, like policy, referred to civil administration (both come from the intermediate Latin noun politia), but by the early 1700s, it came to apply specifically to law enforcement, and within about a century that was its only sense. Enforcers soon came to be called police, as well as policemen (later, policewomen was adopted for female officers, and the neutral term â€Å"police officer† now prevails for all personnel), and the word also became a verb describing the action of law enforcement or the keeping of order in general. (Later, policier came to describe a novel, film, or television program dealing with the solving of crimes.) The two meanings of policy apparently come from different sources. The sense of â€Å"approach† or â€Å"way of management† derives from polis, but the word for an insurance contract may stem from the Latin word apodexis, meaning â€Å"proof.† However, politics, politician, and other such words pertaining to public affairs also derive from polis. An interesting divergence occurred with political and politic, which both originated as adjectives meaning â€Å"pertaining to public affairs†; the latter word acquired the additional sense of â€Å"prudent† and rarely applies to politics anymore, though the verb form, and the noun form politicking, do. (The k was added to the latter word, as it is to picnicking and a few other words, to clarify that the consonant sound before -ing is hard.) Polite and its derivatives impolite and politesse are unrelated, stemming not from polis but from polire, a Latin verb meaning â€Å"polish† (and the source of polish as well) or â€Å"smooth.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Idioms About Numbers"Owing to" vs "Due to"Careful with Words Used as Noun and Verb

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Sustainable Development with Specialisation on Environment and Research Proposal

Sustainable Development with Specialisation on Environment and Agricultural Development - Research Proposal Example ?†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.4 4.2 specific aims and objectives†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..5 5.0 background and significance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 6.0 methodology†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦....6 6.1 Population and study sample†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.6 6.2 Data collection†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6 6.3 Data analysis†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦7 Name: Instructor: Task: Date: Sustainable Development with Specialization on Environment and Agriculture 1.0 Introduction Sustainable development involves meeting today’s obligation without diminishing the chances of future generations being in a position of meeting their own. Additionally, sustainable development is a path on which we follow to meet our obligations. Agriculture, for instance, when practicing it, one needs to consider the impact it has on the environment. Moreover, agriculture has to be practiced without compromising the chances of future generations practicing it on the same environment (Brandt and Uwe 190). Several factors contribute to the sustai nability of the environment with regards to agriculture. These factors include the ecological impact, economic viability, social justice and cultural appropriateness. Agriculture has a unswerving link with the environment. For this reason, one can only talk of sustainable development when the issue of environmental conservation has been addressed. In order to achieve sustainable development with regards to the environment and agriculture, externalities that have a negative impact on the environment and agriculture have to be eliminated (Alam 84). 2.0 Sustainable Development Overview Sustainable progress requires a functioning ecosystem, a society that is cohesive and an environment that is healthy. Similarly, it stresses on the importance of being flexible to future shocks even their magnitude and probability is unknown or uncertain. Sustainable development affects humans in several dimensions, for instance, monetary efficiency, ecological impacts and the social growth (Gechev 2). H owever, in this case, we are examining the environmental influences of sustainable progress in agriculture. Similarly, sustainable development should not undermine the very fabric of the social and economics systems. However, in this case, agriculture relies on ecological system. For this reason, the viability of sustainable growth assessed from the angle of environmental influence. 3.0 Problem Statement 3.1 Overview Many people in the world currently rely on agriculture as a source of their livelihood hence sustainable development in the agricultural sector has to consider the imposed impact and future consequences of these developments. Similarly, efficient methods of food production have to consider the impact on the environment hence they should not destroy it, and they should be socially acceptable in the community. Due to the major global differences in agricultural practices, there cannot be one way or one remedy for sustainability (Lichtfouse 3). It takes different variation s with place and place. Each society has to

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Role of Marketing Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Role of Marketing Branding - Essay Example From the case study Fairy’s brand, some of the aspects of the importance of branding can be seen despite the competitive forces in the picture. One of the biggest importance of branding is gaining market share and creating an advantage over the competition. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008), market branding a product makes sure that the customer knows that the product exists and will always associate it with a particular need. This means that the product will have an edge over competition every time a customer seeks to feel a need relating to the particular product. The branding done by a company on a product will always try to convince the customer that only the product can provide the service required. From the case study, this can be seen where Fairy enjoys market share over competitors. The other importance of branding of a product is to motivate customer loyalty even with the presence of competitors and the advent of new products. With initial customer share, a bus iness can promote customer loyalty by the provision of products that change with time and customer needs, which ensures that the company is not stuck in a bubble. With Fairy products, the company evolved its products with time, ensuring that customer’s remain loyal (Palmer, 2009). ... From the above discussion, it is also evident that effective branding increases the credibility of the business to the final consumer, which ensures that its products gain an advantage in the market. Branding is one of the most important tools that a business can utilize to ensure that the customers understand its position in the market and take a market share over competitors. Even with the advent of technology, market branding helps an existing product evolve to join the new markets available, as in the case of Fairy products which evolved into the dishwasher business. Utilizing Market Orientation Kotler and Armstrong (2008) describe market orientation as a business technique where the company research a customer’s needs and produce a product that is suitable for the customer. This means that market orientation is a customer-focused strategy in the market, where the company focuses on reading customer behavior and producing products suited to fit these needs. One of the basi c market orientation techniques is conforming to customer preferences in production while at the same time producing quality products. From the case study, it is evident that Proctor and Gamble have a market-oriented approach to producing and marketing their products. The best example of this is where Proctor and Gamble realize that customers are tired of stocking up with different variants of low-value products, so they introduce a new variant with a slightly different brand. One of the key ways of developing a market-oriented product is by first understanding that the customer is the key driving force behind every product (Palmer, 2009).  

Essentials of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Essentials of Marketing - Essay Example Enlightened customers no longer buy into the old strategy that believes a good product sells itself. Marketing has become a well-balanced mix of concepts and techniques, research and sales, promotion and production. Marketing has been described as "[...] the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives" (Lancaster & Reynolds, 1999, p. 1). It is not so much a single task as it is a concept of visualizing your customer through their eyes, and creating a profit by understanding and satisfying their needs by providing something of value (Forsyth, 1999, p.124). Marketing is the companys interface between the customer and other key elements of the organization such as finance, production, and design. This concept remains constant and is unaffected by the product type or market sector. It is a continual process of scanning the environment to glean information about the customer in terms of age, politics, economics, culture, and technology. Todays customer driven company relies less on market manipulation and more on researching the customers desires and buying habits. In the end, it does not matter what you market, where you market it, whether it is a tangible good or a service, domestic or global, the basic marketing processes remain the same (Sandhusen, 2000, p.15). Thomas Eberling, CEO of pharmaceutical giant Novartis, insists that selling medicine is no different than selling soft drinks, and in his words, "[...] both require an in-depth knowledge of consumer behavior" (as cited in Capell, 2001). Understanding customer and market segment behavior is one of the most important elements of marketing. It requires understanding the segment as well as how they react as individuals. Behavior impacts profits and marketers employ extensive research to predict customer reaction to a product. Products that fail are often

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Love Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Love - Assignment Example The song mainly makes use of the lyrics, keyboard and chords. There is a consistent beat played throughout the song so its time signature is a simple 4/4. This drum beat has been adopted from song by Joe Tex. The rhythm of this song is consistent; hence the tempo stays the same. The structure of this song can be broken down in to verse, chorus and bridge. Like other modern hip hop songs, this song also has a simple order in its structure. The song starts with a chorus sung by both B.O.B and Bruno Mars. Forty five seconds into the song, B.O.B sings the verse followed by a bridge sung by Bruno Mars and then chorus again. This ordered structure repeats twice. Near the end, the order changes from chorus, bridge, chorus. Most of the modern music has almost all of the above mentioned features and these features suggest that they are quite predictable. Classical music on the other hand is very diverse and swerving. Symphony no. 40 by Mozart on the other hand is an original classical piece without lyrics. Mozart wrote this symphony in 1788. The symphony is purely instrumental and its complete musical piece is about thirty minutes long. This piece is melody driven which is difficult to find in the modern pop music. Unlike â€Å"Nothin’ on you† by B.O.B, this symphony has no structural limitations. Therefore, the breakdown of its structure is not as simple. Symphony number 40 changes its tempo as it has varying rhythms. These varying rhythms are very complex yet the whole piece is temporally very sophisticated. Mozart’s symphony number 40 makes use of many instruments such as the flute, oboes, clarinets, horns, bassoons and strings. The symphony starts with a fast movement but turns to a slower pace a little later. After which it enters into a phase of scherzo and finally ends at a fast pace. The structure of this symphony can be broken down in to four segments of tempo markings namely molto-allegro, Andante, Menuetto and

Understand the basics of business operations Week one Essay

Understand the basics of business operations Week one - Essay Example Organizations that lack organization and clear management policies are likely to face problems. Having everything in order in the organization is likely to bring proper communication and understanding. New ideas and concepts will always present themselves in this day and age. It is, therefore, crucial to stay on top of things to ensure success. The need to have operations managers is rising. This ensures the productivity efficiency in the organization stays at the top (Wagner, 2012). Organizing how things operate and move is an enormous responsibility for those who take up the mantle of operations manager. However, it is a task anyone ready for a challenge will gladly take. To prosper in business operations, one requires skills and aptitude to execute the responsibilities at hand. This is regardless of the business he/she is undertaking. These skills are beneficial because they help in creating quality operations, which leads to the provision of quality products and services. Through business operations, people in charge get to understand every subdivision and department in the organization, and help to ensure everything runs smoothly (Wagner, 2012). In conclusion, business operations are fundamental in the growth of an organization. Business operations have to help an organization compete globally; therefore, there must be the introduction of experts into the operations department. They can shape the organization’s operations to suit their every requirement, hence; offering consumers what they want, and providing themselves with the right amount of profit from all

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Popular Culture Today Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Popular Culture Today - Essay Example No country seems to be free from the rapid growth of popular culture. The only difference is that in advanced countries the growth of popular culture may takes place much rapidly than in underdeveloped countries. For example, soft drinks were signs of lavish life styles earlier and it was available in western countries only. However, it is available in all parts of the world at present. In other words, cultural changes or life style changes are taking place in all the corners of the world. Even the tribal people or the people living in rural areas are changing their life styles periodically. Even in some of the most patriarchal societies like Saudi Arabia, one can visualize pop culture changes. America is a country which is striving for changes. Many people are of the view that cultural changes or the development of new popular culture normally originates from America. Since America is a liberal society, it can accommodate any changes. Religion has not much role in politics or social life of the people and therefore America can welcome or accommodate any changes in pop culture easily. This paper analyses the trends in changing popular culture in America. Students may not be typical of the population as a whole, though jeans are widely popular among nonstudents of same age group, and only slightly less widespread among older age groups. So thinking about jeans is a good way to begin a discussion on popular culture (Fiske, p.1). Clothing is one area in which one can witness huge changes as part of the pop culture changes. Earlier, Americans used pants stitched in different ways. Tight pants, loos pants and bell bottom pants were the symbols of fashion at some periods of time in the past. However, the present era is the era of jeans, especially blue jeans. Majority of the celebrities, not only in America, but all over the world are fans of blue jeans at present. Even though jeans provide a rough look, even the soft hearted females are currently fans of jeans. One of the unique characteristics of jeans is the fact that it attracts all people irrespective of their religion, race, culture, gender, socioeconomic status, age etc. Apart from jeans, T shirts also attract Americans very much. Half pants is another major way through which Americans express their fashion concepts. Only on formal occasions, Americans use formal dressings like pants and coats. On all other occasions they like to wear jeans, T shirts, half pants etc. The gap between two different fashion trends has been reduced completely over the past few years. â€Å"Apparel designers used to have an eighteen-month lead time between concept and sale. Now they're reducing that to a year, or even six months, in order to react faster to new ideas from the street† (Who decides what's cool? Certain kids in certain places-- and only the cool hunters know who they are). Current generation is always looking for new ideas and concepts. The better living standards and advancements in scie nce and technology helped them in doing so. For example, the advancements in computer technologies or digital electronics brought huge changes in America and other parts of the word. The size of the computer has come down gradually and as a result of that, laptops, palmtops and gadgets entered the market. Now a mobile phone like Samsung Galaxy S2 or iPhone can perform the activities of a computer without many problems. It is difficult to see an American without a

Understand the basics of business operations Week one Essay

Understand the basics of business operations Week one - Essay Example Organizations that lack organization and clear management policies are likely to face problems. Having everything in order in the organization is likely to bring proper communication and understanding. New ideas and concepts will always present themselves in this day and age. It is, therefore, crucial to stay on top of things to ensure success. The need to have operations managers is rising. This ensures the productivity efficiency in the organization stays at the top (Wagner, 2012). Organizing how things operate and move is an enormous responsibility for those who take up the mantle of operations manager. However, it is a task anyone ready for a challenge will gladly take. To prosper in business operations, one requires skills and aptitude to execute the responsibilities at hand. This is regardless of the business he/she is undertaking. These skills are beneficial because they help in creating quality operations, which leads to the provision of quality products and services. Through business operations, people in charge get to understand every subdivision and department in the organization, and help to ensure everything runs smoothly (Wagner, 2012). In conclusion, business operations are fundamental in the growth of an organization. Business operations have to help an organization compete globally; therefore, there must be the introduction of experts into the operations department. They can shape the organization’s operations to suit their every requirement, hence; offering consumers what they want, and providing themselves with the right amount of profit from all

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Essay Example for Free

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Essay Border security continues to become a core policy development priority for the United States because this cuts across various issues faced by the country including illegal immigration, drug trafficking, human trafficking, smuggling, and terrorism. Congressional debates center on two issues, the focus of border security efforts in relation to budget allocation and means of improving border security (Sullivan, 2009) as a preventive measure instead of a reactive process as in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. Border security involves the patrol of the 6,000 miles of land border with Mexico and Canada and 2,000 miles of coastal waters of Florida and Puerto Rico. The task of border patrol is to identify and assess potential threats and respond effectively. However, even with a large workforce of 30,000, border security has jurisdiction over a large and widespread area encompassing land, sea and air space. (Customs Border Protection, 2009) Patrolling a large area and simultaneously handling the issues of illegal immigration, drug trafficking, smuggling, and terrorist threats makes border security a daunting task because of the limitations in the vantage point of land and sea mobile personnel. This led to efforts to adopt unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as an integral technology for border patrol. Unmanned aerial vehicles refer to aircrafts without a pilot on board and controlled from the ground. These are fitted with sensors that transmit data to orbiting satellites that in turn bounce data to receivers on the ground. The transmission of data takes seconds to happen so that the receipt of data is almost instantaneous. UAVs can fly long distances at high altitudes or short distances at lower altitudes depending on the purpose of use. High altitude flights can provide information on large targets such as trucks while low altitude flights provide better information on smaller targets such as humans. (Valavanis, 2007, p. 533) As a border patrol technology, UAVs fill the limitations of the land and sea vantage points. History and Uses of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Unmanned aerial vehicles have existed for more than a century and continued to evolve with the development of technologies to improve flight control and dynamics as well as imaging and data acquisition and transmission. UAVs developed as a military initiative and it was only in the past few decades that UAV found non-military or civil use. With its roots in the military, the Department of National Defense defined UAVs as â€Å"a powered aerial vehicle that does not carry a human operator, uses aerodynamic forces to provide vehicle lift, can fly autonomously or be piloted remotely, can be expendable or recoverable, and can carry a lethal or non-lethal payload† (Valavanis, 2007, p. 533). The definition clarifies the capabilities of UAVs, its possible purposes, and the innovative developments that accumulated over the decades. The idea of unmanned aerial vehicles existed as early as the First World War. The idea targeted improvements in the discharge or delivery of guided missiles. However, existing technology was unable to facilitate the development of the flight control system needed to have a functioning unmanned aircraft delivering missiles to the enemy’s territory. The gyroscopic devices developed by Elmer Sperry in 1909 became the predecessor of inertia navigation system applied in modern UAVs. At the same time, the Western Electric Company also developed radio control technology for the remote piloting of aircraft. Radio control together with inertia navigation system paved the way for the development of UAVs. These technologies were adopted by the military in developing a cruising missile but efforts met problems. UAVs were used instead as target drones for anti-aircraft practice and actual warfare countermeasures. This was the first use of UAVs. However, the navy continued research into flight control and navigation initiatives that included the fitting of RCA cameras and radar guidance system to improve control and make drones capable of delivering missiles. Developments led to the use of UAVs as target drones in World War II. (Zaloga Palmer, 2008, pp. 4-9) After the Second World War, the UAVs further evolved into tools in espionage during the Cold War. While control and guidance of the drones continued as an area of innovation, greater focus was given to the image capture capability of UAVs for surveillance. During the 1950s, surveillance UAVs were fitted with daylight and infrared cameras, rocket-assisted takeoff, radar tracking, and radio control. The shooting down of a manned aircraft resulting to the capture of pilots renewed development efforts in the 1970s. Drones became decoys until the Russian radar technology developed to make decoys ineffective. Efforts focused on developing drones with reduced radar signature, increased range, and improved flight control. The new drones were christened as lighting bugs and used in the Vietnam War. (Zaloga Palmer, 2008, pp. 10-12) After the Cold War, technology innovation on UAVs continued in support for combat operations. The 1980s witnessed key developments including improved satellite communications, compact or miniature technology, and state of the art sensors. Improved data and imagery and better navigation control led to the use of UAVs for â€Å"intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and for time critical targeting† (p. 1). The development in UAVs split into technology for small and large UAVs. The size was a consideration because of differences in navigation control and capabilities. In large UAVs, the flight and retrieval control is separable from its data and imaging functions so that it can transmit information via satellite links while on flight while in small UAVs retrieval of the aircraft is necessary before obtaining information. (Drew et al. , 2005, p. 1) Now, the uses of UAVs are increasing. Traffic control is one use of UAVs because its aerial view provides accurate information on traffic conditions over a particular area. Search and rescue operations also benefit from UAVs providing an initial view of the situation in conditions unsafe for manned aircraft. (Borchardt, 2004, p. 28) Recently, small UAVs were used to gather data and assess the damage caused by Hurricane Wilma in areas inaccessible due to flooding and blocked roads (Murphy et al. , 2008, p. 164). NASA also developed sensor technology for the monitoring of pollution and measurement of ozone levels using UAVs. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology integrated global positioning technology and video camera control in UAVs for sensing toxic substances and contaminated areas. The Department of Energy also announced the development of radiation sensor for UAVs for use in detecting nuclear accidents. (Bolkcom Nunez-Neto, 2008, p. 2) Different data processing, imaging and other features evolve depending on the purpose intended for UAVs.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Predicting Thermal-Hydraulic Behaviour of Nuclear Reactors

Predicting Thermal-Hydraulic Behaviour of Nuclear Reactors In the last decades, several codes have been developed to predict the thermal-hydraulic behaviour of nuclear reactors like ATHLET, CATHARE, RELAP, RETRAN. However, these codes were developed to power reactors perform. To extend the application for the analyses of research reactor some modifications or addition of some procedures have been done. This section presents some considerations for using of RELAP/SCDAP and MELCOR for accident analysis of KHRR reactor. 1.1. RELAP/SCDAP 1.1.1. Thermal Hydraulic RELAP5 computer program can be applied to a wide range of reactor designs and transient/accident conditions. Except for certain reactivity-initiated events, the code is applicable to LOCAs; loss of flow accidents (LOFAs); loss of heat removal events and anticipated transients without scram (ATWS). Modelling of a subcooled boiling flow is important because an accurate knowledge of the void fraction distribution in reactor cores is required to properly perform various safety analyses. Most available boiling models were developed for and tested at the high-pressure conditions of a power reactor. Many reactor safety analysis codes such as RELAP5, which use such models, cannot satisfactorily predict void fraction distributions in low pressure subcooled boiling flows. This has limited the use of the RELAP5 code for low-pressure research reactor applications. It seems that the case of fast reactivity transient will be affected due to the importance of the models for the precise description of the complex phenomenon of subcooled boiling and two phase flow taking place during the transient. With respect to the reliability of the RELAP5 code for the analysis of research reactor transients additional investigations related to the above topics are needed. 1.1.2. Core Melt Progression Although developed for light water reactors (LWR), the code is a flexible tool for computerized simulation as its approach allows to models as much as needed of a particular thermal-hydraulic system, with use both for anticipated transients of nuclear power plants or of research reactors, and also for small scale test facilities. It is generally known that design peculiarities of HWR type reactors, especially the moderator separated from the coolant do not allow a straightforward application of the advanced core degradation models existing in computer codes such as SCDAP/RELAP5, MELCOR, ICARE/CATHARE or ATHLET. But the analysis of design basis accidents and the modelling of experiments in specially designed facilities can be successfully performed. Moreover, the early phase of the accident, including heatup due to voiding and oxidation, as well as, to a certain extent, other particular phenomena associated with the loss of geometrical integrity in course of a LOCA type accident coincident with ECCS, can be successfully modeled. Several code extensions (for Atucha specific features) were added in RELAP/SCDAPsim3.6. These modifications included: modeling of coolant channel to coolant channel radiation heat transfer, oxidation of the outer wall of the coolant channels, molten pool behavior and relocation of a core with separated coolant channels, and heat transfer in a lower head that includes a filling body (massive steel structure occupy most of the hemispherical volume and causing relocated debris to have a wide and thin-in-height shape). As an extra argument in favor of the utilization of the code for KHRR, the existence of the heavy water library in the release packages of RELAP/SCDAPSIM versions can be mentioned. 1.2. MELCOR 1.2.1. Material Properties Thermophysical properties for some solid materials should be added to the Material Properties (MP) package database. They are melting point, latent heat of fusion, density, specific heat, thermal conductivity and enthalpy for Zr-1.5%Nb, type 304 stainless steel. Values for these material properties can be obtained from an open literature or, because of lack of data for the alloys at high temperatures, can be estimated by Nause and Leonard. In addition to properties of solid materials, the MP package in MELCOR contains tabulated values for thermal conductivity and Viscosity of light water (H2O) and steam. Because of the presence of heavy water (D2O) in the KHRR reactor, an assessment was made concerning the differences between these properties and those appropriate for D2O. Nause and Leonard concluded that the differences between heavy and light water thermal conductivity, heavy and light steam viscosity, and heavy and light steam thermal conductivity are negligible for the purpose and intended applications of MELCOR. For these properties, MELCOR will use the light water data in the MELCOR database to model heavy and light water in the KHRR reactor system . The only thermophysical property of D2O observed to differ from that of H2O by more than ten percent is viscosity. Viscosity of D2O is observed to differ from that of H2O by as such as 30 percent over fluid, the temperature range of interest for the KHRR reactor. It is not known if differences in this single property are large enough to result in considerably different predictions of KHRR reactor coolant system hydrodynamic behavior. Sensitivity analyses will be performed in the future to examine this remaining uncertainty The MP package in MELCOR includes tabulated values for the viscosity of hydrogen gas and the Noncondensible Gas (NCG) Equation of State package contains values for hydrogen heat capacity. Again, because of the possible coexistence of hydrogen and deuterium gas in the KHRR reactor systems, a comparison of the viscosity and heat capacity between the two gases was made. The difference between hydrogen and deuterium gas viscosity and heat capacity is concluded to be sufficiently large to warrant adding D2 to the noncondensible gas flow field in MELCOR (D2 gas viscosity is approximately 40 percent greater than H2, and H2 heat capacity is approximately 50 percent greater than D2.). As a result, both properties have been included in their appropriate MELCOR database locations The H2O package in MELCOR represents the equation of state for light water. Because heavy water is the primary coolant and moderator in the KHRR reactor system, a comparison of the thermodynamic properties of light and heavy water and steam was made. It was found that the saturation pressure versus temperature data for light and heavy water differ by less than six percent. The difference in enthalpy between light and heavy water for the saturated and subcooled liquid states is below five percent at all temperatures and pressures of concern. The differences between light and heavy steam enthalpy are below eight percent over all temperatures and pressures of concern. These differences in properties between light and heavy water and steam are tolerable for the purpose and intended applications of MELCOR. Any change in properties related to the equation of state for light water in MELCOR would require that the changes be made in a manner that preserves the Maxwell relations. Therefore, s imple adjustments to the current H2O properties are not practical. Either the properties contained in the H2O package must be replaced, or the current properties must be used. It has been concluded that using light water transport properties to represent the coolant, moderator Emergency Cooling System (ECS), and confinement spray fluids in the KHRR reactor system is a reasonable and pragmatic approximation to those for the true mixed H2O/D2O system . 1.2.2. Core Melt Progression Unique features of KHRR do not allow a straightforward application of MELCOR for analysis of core melt progression in KHRR reactor, same as RELAP/SCDAP. Coolant channels in KHRR reactor are located inside the moderator tank in a hexagonal pitch, so it is expected that the behavior of the core during meltdown will be somewhat different from that of regular LWRs. As the coolant channels are not in close contact with each other, molten material from different channels most likely will not agglomerate to form a crust strong enough to support an in-core molten pool. So the most expected behavior is that molten material is directly relocate to the bottom of the core.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Financial Crises And Global Capital Flows :: essays research papers

<a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites The recent upheavals in the world financial markets were quelled by the immediate intervention of both international financial institutions such as the IMF and of domestic ones in the developed countries, such as the Federal Reserve in the USA. The danger seems to have passed, though recent tremors in South Korea, Brazil and Taiwan do not augur well. We may face yet another crisis of the same or a larger magnitude momentarily. What are the lessons that we can derive from the last crisis to avoid the next? The first lesson, it would seem, is that short term and long term capital flows are two disparate phenomena with very little in common. The former is speculative and technical in nature and has very little to do with fundamental realities. The latter is investment oriented and committed to the increasing of the welfare and wealth of its new domicile. It is, therefore, wrong to talk about â€Å"global capital flows†. There are investments (including even long term portfolio investments and venture capital) – and there is speculative, â€Å"hot† money. While â€Å"hot money† is very useful as a lubricant on the wheels of liquid capital markets in rich countries – it can be destructive in less liquid, immature economies or in economies in transition. The two phenomena should be accorded a different treatment. While long term capital flows should be completely liberalized, encouraged and welcomed – the short term, â€Å"hot money† type should be controlled and even discouraged. The introduction of fiscally-oriented capital controls (as Chile has implemented) is one possibility. The less attractive Malaysian model springs to mind. It is less attractive because it penalizes both the short term and the long term financial players. But it is clear that an important and integral part of the new International Financial Architecture MUST be the control of speculative money in pursuit of ever higher yields. There is nothing inherently wrong with high yields – but the capital markets provide yields connected to economic depression and to price collapses through the mechanism of short selling and through the usage of certain derivatives. This aspect of things must be neutered or at least countered. The second lesson is the important role that central banks and other financial authorities play in the precipitation of financial crises – or in their prolongation. Financial bubbles and asset price inflation are the result of euphoric and irrational exuberance – said the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, the legendary Mr.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

catcher in the rye :: essays research papers

In J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye, a young man named Holden Caulfield goes through many misadventures during a three day stay in New York. Holden acts like a careless teenager but the reader gets the feeling that he cared once and wishes that he could again. He has what is almost an obsession with death and is constantly dwelling on the death of his brother Allie, who died of leukemia. He carries Allie’s baseball mitt with him wherever he goes. He was obviously very disturbed by Allie’s death as he broke all the windows in his garage with his bare fist with such force that his hand is still messed up. His feelings toward people and relationships tend to lean toward the negative side. He usually expects the worst, part of that seems to be issues he has from the loss of his brother Allie. One of the words he uses often throughout the novel is phony. He values honesty and sincerity, and can’t stand people who try to make themselves look better in the eyes o f others. He flunks out of every school that his parents send him to including Pency, his current school. He seems to be fairly intelligent and the reader gets a sense that his problems in school are the result of lack of motivation. He isolates himself from those around him and seems to be afraid of change; always assuming it will be for the worst. He seems to have a great deal of love and respect for his sister Phoebe and his dead brother Allie. Holden is a very complex character and is difficult to understand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story begins on top of a hill overlooking the football stadium at Pency. Holden stands alone on top of the hill watching the game because he didn’t want to go down into the stadium with everybody else. This is a good beginning as it shows Holden’s tendency to isolate himself from others and his general dislike of people. He has flunked out of Pency, and is not supposed to return after Christmas vacation. Christmas vacation starts in three days but Holden gets fed up with his classmates and school in general and leaves to go to New York and get a hotel room. He doesn’t go home because he wants his parents to get the letter informing them of his expulsion before he comes home.

Friday, October 11, 2019

John Steinbeck †“Of Mice and Men” Coursework Essay

‘Of Mice and Men’ written by John Steinbeck set in California near Soledad in the 1930’s on two men called George and Lennie who travel together from ranch to ranch trying to make their life like the † American Dream† what Lennie shares with George. During this time there was a depression in America, which meant unemployment and Racism was high so men had to go to different ranches. Racism and bad employment at this time in the United States was called â€Å"The Great Depression.† After The Great Depression, World War 2 had started and John Steinbeck decided to write the book â€Å"Of Mice and Men† what was influenced also by a poet called Robert Burns who was Scottish and also had released a book in the past. Later â€Å"Of Mice And Men† was published in 1937. The American Dream in the U.S.A is thought to be for any American to go through hard work and courage to achieve the goal of their life leading them to success. Lennie and Georges Dream was to own a farm house with lots of chickens and rabbits. â€Å"The American Depression† what had been the harshest depression ever what was from 1929 leading to 1939. This Depression started in North America what went on to Europe and other areas of the world. Although it was started in the united states because of the fast economic growth, it lead the whole world to a disaster. This was originally started because of over production in agriculture what lead to rising debt with farmers. The ranch where Lennie and George end up working for was near Soledad, which is south east of Salinas, Weed was nearby. Soledad what meant lonely was an ideal setting to the story for people who could translate Soledad into English. All of the ranchers with them are lonely with no family and never have anything to look forward to just their daily routines and also just thinking of â€Å"The American Dream†. After the ranchers do their routines the only kind of entertainment what they do is play cards. The ranchers belong to no – one what everyone knows â€Å"Guys like us, that work on ranches are the loneliest guys in the world . . . They got no family†. This also adds to the fact that the ranchers are missing out from a lot in their life’s as they have no family or friends to share their fun with and they have no life only sadness. Ranchers don’t seem happy as they never have any fun entertaining things to look forward to like normal people so they just carry on with their lives in loneliness and misery. George Milton who is a small and intelligent man with sharp feutures. He is Lennies carer as he always has to take care of him and be beside him through everything as he is, his only friend. After George’s aunty died he had to look after Lennie as he was the only one he could talk to, but got fed up as Lennie talked like a child. Even though George leads Lennie out of problems what he gets him self into accidentally he loves him a lot but doesn’t like to show it. Lennie Small is large and has a shapeless face. He drags his feet when he walks, and lets his arms hang. He has a child’s brain as he doesn’t really remember anything and looks up to Lennie as he leads him in the right way and always helps him in bad situations. Lennie in the story gets compared to an animal more than a human as he is a really big man who is mentally retarded â€Å"Dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws†. George and Lennie relation differs from the other ranchers as they travel together where ever they go and are not lonely as the other ranchers as they have got each other. Crooks is an old black man, he is called this because he has a crooked back he is the stable worker, with a personality just like Candy’s. Crooks doesn’t like company like candy and also wants to live for George and Lennies dream. He has a small place where he lives by himself because of his color as he can not stay in the bunk-house. Lennie gets along with crooks more than anyone else as their resemblances are the same. Crooks is one individual who spends most of his time reading and is a fairly clever person, he lives in a small space, with no one with him. He is segregated because of his color. â€Å"Crooks said, long as you won’t get out and leave me alone.† He is not allowed in the bunk-house to play cards as the other ranchers say he stinks, but he tells Lennie â€Å"You all stink to me† Candy is an old man with one arm who works as a swamper. Candy had an old dog but agreed to kill it as the entire ranch workers were complaining that it smelt â€Å"we can’t sleep with him stinkin around in here†. Candy is very attached to his dog which he had since it was a pup, and was the only thing he could really talk to. When he hears about George and Lennie’s dream of getting their own place, he asks them to take him with them and offers them his savings to help. He offers his money to them as he doesn’t have any other family to share his savings with. Candy becomes very happy, as he thinks he will not be lonely again, but these dreams are broken in the end. Curley the bosses’ son who was a welt weight boxer. He is short and wanted to prove that he wasn’t a laboring man. He acts as he is superior to anyone else in the ranch. He goes around like he is the boss but no one dares to go up to him as he is a strong boxer. Curley is quite a violent man and in the story he ends up getting in to a fight because he thought that Lennie was laughing at him â€Å"No big son-of-a-bitch is gonna laugh at me†. Curleys wife who is always left lonely and no-one respects her, Curley never pays attention to her She is forced to flirt with other ranchers to get attention however, she does not get it as everyone knows Curley will be furious if he finds out and any one who will try it with Curleys wife will get into very big trouble with the boss. She is one of the loneliest people in the story as everyone neglects her and never pays attention to her so she is forgotten out from everyone else. Even though she dresses up like a tart she doesn’t achieve anything wit the other ranchers. Even when she tells Curley â€Å"I never get to talk to nobody, I get awful lonely† she still gets neglected. The people who are most lonely in the story are Candy, Crook and Curley’s wife. Candy is lonely because, he has no family or friends. His only friend was his dog who he could talk to. â€Å"I’ve had his since he was a pup.† This shows that the main people who are lonely are really different from normal people as they never have anything to look out for. George and Lennie’s relation is very strong unique friendship as none of the other ranchers travel with anyone else or share experiences traveling together or either copeing with life together. They are good friends because they share the same dream of owning a farm. George wanted to be his own boss. Lennie wanted, to pet animals all day long and they both believed that it will come true and even when George has doubts he encourages Lennie. They both know how important they are to each other and Lennie likes it when George tells him that â€Å"I got you and you got me†. They both look out for each other as they depend on one and other, they haven’t got no one else like friend or family † Ranchers are loneliest guys in the world they got no family†. In the end George has to kill Lennie to save him from being killed by the other ranchers what would have been twice as bad seeing a close friend die. â€Å"The American Dream† was something what George and Lennie truly believed in. Without the dream no – one would have nothing to look forward to but George and Lennie were well in way of thinking about their future. This was their main objective through out the story of owning a big farm together even crooks and candy got involved in with the dream John Steinbeck wanted each characters individual self to have some thing to look forward to in their up and coming life. To the end of the story Lennie goes to the place where George told him to go if he got into any trouble near by the river. Then Lennie began to think and imagined a rabbit who told him that George would get rid of him because, he is sick of him. And when George comes to the place where he had told Lennie to wait Lennie asks that if he would leave him and George replies back no. Then Lennie decides to leave but George says no and reminds him of the Dream they had planned of them two owning a farm with Furry rabbits and lots of land. But then George tells Lennie to look across the river and Shoots him with the gun to the back of his head. Slim guesses what had happened and reassures George that it had to be done in the end for the best. This was very important for George to do as he can live a life where he doesn’t have to look out for some-one else rather than him self. But also George will become really lonely without Lennie besides him and also their Dream of being together in a big farm had been destroyed. But now George can settle down and think about how he is going to go on with the rest of his life and what job to do without him keeping to move. The thing that has died with Lennie is everything that George and Lennie had. George had done everything for Lennie and could take no more. He had protected him so much an always encouraged him to the max. George killed Lennie as a good friend to save him from harsh misery. The theme of loneliness in this book is important If the characters in the book weren’t lonely then they wouldn’t have done the things that they did and so there wouldn’t have been the same. Curley’s wife and Lennie die because of loneliness which causes George to be even more lonely. If Curley’s wife hadn’t been lonely she wouldn’t have started the conversation with Lennie which caused her death.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Miss Greenford

Miss Greenford sat behind her 95 years old typewriter she inherited from the father to type down a letter to her only son who serves with the US army. She said, †Dear John, I miss you so much, my second baby. Daddy hasn't being feeling well for the past three months and he is worried he wouldn't make it before you return from the war. His wish is to see you before going home. Please do come quickly when you get this letter. Grandma sends her greetings, and Doggy your cat too. While she sat typing, John, in the silence of an explosion from the enemy's camp, swallowed a bullet. †Retreat everyone†, the General shouted. Lieutenant Jamal from Afghanistan carried his friend on his shoulder and ran into the tent where the nurses tended the wounds of the injured soldiers. †Johnny, Johnny please speak to me. Open your eyes† he solemnly requested but John quietly was giving up the ghost. The only word that came out of his mouth was ‘mama'. Lieut. Jamal cried! He has lost the only friend in the army that cared for him.He remembered how he used to play basketball with John alone as all the guys refused his company and called him names. One day at assembly, it was announced a war has broken up between the US and Russia and all males were entreated to enlist in the army asap. Jamal was frightened to death because he never liked the sound of a gun. Growing up in a ghetto where the father was a warlord, he was called Ja, the whimp. He always hides under the bed during a fight of guns on the streets but John encouraged him that they can do it. He will be there for him anytime and protect him against the bullies. John was the brother Jamal never had. And now he doesn't know how he can manage without him.Back home, Miss Greenford bought a stamp at the post office, sealed her letter and posted it to his loving son. She can't wait to see him after eight solid months of separation. This war has had a toll on everyone. Miss Greenford herself has been feeling a severe ache in her left breast lately. Scared of the worst, she has refused to visit the hospital for a checkup. †I need to be strong to take care of my two boys, John and his father†, she always whispers to herself. Three weeks later, on the day Miss Greenford had planned on passing by the post office to check if her son has replied, there was a loud knock on the door which startled even the flower pot on the window pane and it came crushing on the floor.'Who is there?' she shouted from the kitchen. ‘Friends of John, the voices echoed. Miss Greenford dashed out of the kitchen like a flash of lightening only to get to the door to see men dressed in uniform carrying a coffin. Immediately, she collapsed. She woke up to the news of her husband passing out of cardio attack when he wheeled his chair to the door because he also heard the shout of †friends of John† from his room.†Both my boys had left me, she cried. What does it profit me to be alive and not happy? The two things that gave me joy have been snatched from me, mama†. Old mama Gracie was there to console her daughter. She told her not stop crying. She should spit every phlegm of bitterness out, then she can have her peace. †I have been here before and I know how it feels but don't worry it will make you stronger. It always does† Your daddy died in the war too. The only man I have ever known tasted death while in an amour defending his country. But he died a happy man. He died knowing that at least he paid his dues to his country. So sad he was before he died when I was pregnant with you for two weeks that the doctor said it is a girl. We had both been praying for a boy, but he prayed more fervently because he wanted his son to be a soldier, a protector of the state and dreams of America. Though disappointed, he loved you so very much, my baby. Be glad you gave daddy a soldier, now his soul will rest in peace.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Critical aspects of closing probate deals

Chapter 11Making the Offer. Once you have contacted the executor, you must hold an action program of what needs to be done and how. This is one of the critical facets of shutting probate trades. You have to do an offer that will give you a fine-looking return and ideally this must be the lowest possible offer. Some executors are unfastened to a low monetary value from the beginning. Some executors are unrealistic and tend to believe that the belongings is deserving much more than the FMV and when you encounter such a state of affairs, you need to make a just outlook puting with the householder. Give him grounds, show him the logic and explicate to him why his belongings value is lesser than what he expects.Stairss TO FOLLOW WHILE NEGOTIATINGHere are a few stairss that will assist you negociate a trade with the executor rapidly and swimmingly. As you would make for any meeting, you need to fix for your meeting with the executor excessively. Compile and reexamine your research and other notes. Carry these along for easy mention during your meeting with the executor. Ensure that you are cognizant of the FMV of the belongings you are traveling to negociate for. It besides helps to hold the comparables ready to hand merely in instance you need to demo it to the executor to warrant your monetary value. Have a pen and paper to take notes on your review of the belongings. Transport a torch which comes in ready to hand while inspecting topographic points where the sunshine does non make. Some probate houses might hold the electricity supply switched off. You should do a torch and a clean contract lasting fixtures within your auto. Bing prepared will give your run intoing a professional touch and the executor will recognize that you are here with a serious purpose of purchasing the belongings, non to blow his clip.STEP TWOOnce you are at the belongings, inform the executor that you would wish to transport out a thorough review of the belongings. Inquire with him if he would be interested in following you on the review circuit. It is a good thought to hold the executor by your side when you start with your review. About all executors are incognizant of the different fix occupations that will necessitate to be done. This is an advantage for you because as you progress with your review, you will be pulling his attending to the many fix occupations the house needs therefore take downing his outlooks with every defect you point out. Merely for mention, inquire the executor his estimation of the cost for acquiring these betterments done. Most executors are incognizant of the fix costs although they may hold limited cognition of woodworking and other minor hole up occupations. You ‘ll be cheerily surprised as many householders will state you an estimation that is higher than yours. If you are accosted with a belongings in hapless status and are unable to gauge the fix costs involved, you can ever mention it to a contractor or a place inspector before you purchase it. If the estimation provided by them is higher than yours, you have the option of endorsing out of the contract without any legal complications. I will discourse this in greater inside informations in the undermentioned chapter. Never forget, the executor wants to dispose this belongings at the earliest to cast a burden off his shoulder. He would be more than happy to offer you a stone underside monetary value if you point out that the house needs a batch of fixs. Refrain from throwing an offer at the executor boulder clay you have completed your Refrain from throwing an offer at the executor boulder clay you have completed your review. Most executors will non near this topic boulder clay you are prepared to inform them. If an executor tries to brawl an offer, inform him that before you extend an offer, you would necessitate to inspect the belongings to convey it to marketable status. It is a good thought to hold the executor by your side when you start with your review. Do n't trust on your memory. It is a good thought to observing things down on a piece of paper. Take plentifulness of cryptic notes. Make the semblance for the householder that a batch of things are non right by doing voluminous notes. In a probate belongings, since the householders have non maintained the belongings good, there will be enough of things you will happen when inspecting the belongings. You can take to do notes on the fix occupations needed in each room. Inspect the full house, and every clip you see an expensive occupation that needs to be done reference that tactfully to the executor. By making this, you are allowing the executor know that you will hold to pass a good sum of money in priming the house and this will accordingly take down the executors outlook of a high monetary value. Note down of import points of all such countries as you proceed with your review. Ninety per centum of probate houses need decorative and kitchen fixs. Normally I ever make it a point to state the executor that in add-on to all the fix occupations, at the really minimal, the kitchen and bathrooms will hold to remake, the house needs a pigment occupation and the rug has to be changed before the belongings can be listed for a sale. These things, although the executor thinks are really expensive, can be completed for a minor cost. After you ‘ve listed down and told the executor about the basic betterments that are needed, you will hold to gauge, a moderately high figure, of the cost for acquiring these occupations completed. It is a good thought to round off estimations to the highest five 1000 dollar grade. For illustration, if I estimate a belongings needs fix occupations deserving twelve thousand dollars, I will round it up to fifteen thousand dollars. Merely for mention, inquire the executor his estimation of the cost for acquiring these betterments done. You ‘ll be cheerily surprised as many executors will state you an estimation that is higher than yours. If this be the instance, you should instantly hold to the executors generous estimation. On the other manus, many executors will state you they have no thought and will bank on you to give them an estimation. Once you ‘ve told them your hyperbolic sum, they will hold however because your attack has portrayed you as an experient investor. With this done, you ‘ve got the executor into believing about all the betterments needed to acquire the belongings into premier status. All these old ages, he might non hold noticed these uneven terminals and now will be believing about the money needed to hold the fix work completed. This will automatically take down his outlooks of the value of the belongings and he would be willing to settle for your offer. You are now ready to near the following measure.STEP THREEMost executors I know do n't truly do a full graduated table effort in researching the just market value of the probate house. They might merely name the existent estate agent one time or mention to the revenue enhancement assessed value of the house. You ‘ll be surprised to observe how frequently you come across such state of affairss. This nevertheless, is a distinguishable advantage for you. Get an estimation of the just market value of the belongings from the executor. If the sum is lower than the just market value, accept it. On the other manus, if his estimation is higher than the just market value, you must put the right outlooks. Inform him that the belongings could hold been tantamount to its just market value were it in premier status. Show him the research you have carried out with your existent estate agent and the comparables that point to the fact that the just market value is so lower than what his estimation is. Be polite and at the same clip drive your point across. To turn out your point, you could demo him the comparables that were sold late. Showing comparables is frequently a trade determiner and most executors will accept your offer based on the comparables. Refrain from doing extra remarks on the value of the belongings unless the executor approaches the topic. Let him recognize that his belongings ‘s value is lower than his outlooks.STEP FOURNow is the clip to state the executor that you are an investor. As an investor, your purpose is to purchase the belongings, titivate it up and so sell it every bit rapidly as possible. As you have told him that you are an investor, the executor knows that you will be selling the belongings for a net income. By making this you are subtly inquiring him to see giving you a antic price reduction on the belongings. After this, you are ready to continue to the following measure.STEP FIVEEqually far as possible, chorus from doing the offer foremost unless perfectly necessary. If you can pull out an offer from the executor, it may good be possible that he will offer you a monetary value that is lower than yours. Inquire how much money he needs for the belongings. Never ask him what he wants – wants and demands are different. Keep back for his response. Till now, he knows that the just market value is much lesser than his estimation plus the fact that a just sum of fix work has to be done to acquire the belongings to marketable status. Above all this, he is besides cognizant that you need to do a net income from this trade. His reply might merely surprise you, and cheerily so! If the executor is unable to judge the just monetary value, this is the right clip to put your offer. Make non travel rapidly into doing an offer. Take your clip, contemplate the cost constituents we learnt in chapter 10, calculate the possible net income and so widen your offer. If you are unable to make that instantly, inform the executor that you will necessitate twenty four hours to reexamine your notes and the fix costs before you can do an offer. When you have arrived at a figure, give it directly to the executor. Inform him that after a thorough reappraisal of the Numberss, you will be paying ten dollars for the probate belongings. Once your offer is out, give the executor some clip to contemplate upon your offer. It is non unusual for several yearss to go through by before you receive a response from the executor. All you can make till the clip you hear from the executor is be patient and delay.WHAT IF THE EXECUTOR PROPOSES A COUNTER OfferMost of the times you will happen the executor has accepted your offer and is willing to subscribe a contract with you. In the following chapter I will learn you to outline existent estate contracts that safeguard your involvements. However, how do you undertake a state of affairs where an executor proposes a counter offer. It is non unusual for a counter offer to be proposed and you must be prepared for such an contingency. In this state of affairs, inquire from the executor as to what monetary value is he comfy with. If his demand seems sensible, you may wish to raise your offer incrementally. Remember ne'er to transcend 65 % of the just market value of the belongings. If the belongings requires major fixs in add-on to merely picture and rug, you should subtract these costs from the value arrived at by ciphering 65 % of the just market value pf the belongings.WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU ARE N'T ABLE TO NEGOTIATE A CHEAP PRICEIf you ‘ve reached this phase, there is a just opportunity that you will set down yourself a antic trade. For whatever grounds, the executor and you have non been able to hold upon the lowest reciprocally acceptable monetary value, thank the executor and travel on to the following moneymaking chance. Should this occur, inform him to reach you if he is non able to sell the belongings in the hereafter. This gives him an unfastened door for him to make you and it works as most executors tend to name back after they have thought about your offer. Many times you will come within striking distance of shuting a trade but when you ca n't look to acquire a low monetary value, be prepared to drop the trade. Never pay more than what a belongings is deserving. There are plentifulness of good trades to bag. Knowing when an how to walk off is a important portion of puting and this gives you the ability to cover from a place of strength. Acerate leaf to state, this should be done as smoothly and tactfully as possible. Remember, when you let travel of one trade, there is ever another great trade you can happen.